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How could you stoop so low?

now. . . imagine hearing that in a New York accent. You can practice first, if you’d like. Go ahead.

It’s getting challenging keeping track of how many posts and videos we’ve seen and done on New York City. They say that Vegas is the city that never sleeps, but we’re beginning to think otherwise.

Now, just to set the stage, as it were – New York City (the five boroughs) which include This refers to the core city itself, consisting of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island. And don’t forget the New York Metropolitan Area which goes as far out as Pennsylvania! Watch the video above and behold the world within.

Most NYC travel posts cover the usual suspects, listed above. But NYC is a world unto itself and is one of the most visible examples of hive minds. Each Borough is almost like its own country and, for the purpose of this post, we can drill it down even further, to the point where we’re actually focusing on an almost bacterial level.

Now to get to the point, NYC is all about its people. Note: he video above goes slightly macro before it goes micro – in this case getting down to borough level. The main takeaway from this is how so many New Yorkers live at the micro level really, having firm friends and traditions. It’s not closed doors here. It’s close friends. And stoops.

Make it easy on yourself. Expedia has everything you need for a super NYC adventure. Click here to book.

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