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Post Box, Pillar Box . . call it what you like.

. . . collection box, mailbox, letter box . . . . it’s history, it’s iconic, everyone knows where it came from and where it belongs. It’s the British post box. Long may it reign. Your editor grew up with them. We have countless photos of us standing next to them. Thousands of tourists do the same. They’re loveable, comforting in their own way and as as royal as The Queen.

If you’re as big a fan / romantic / historian (especially the latter) as we are, then have the post for you. There is a hardy group of hearty group of fans of these big metal boxes who are on a mission to document them, catalogue them and, finally, sing their praises to the high heavens. This may seem like small potatoes to some, but to many, they’re an extant, relevant and, most of all, fun way of enjoying British history. The best way of explaining all of this is that “London’s Smallest Art Gallery Is In A Phone Box Outside The British Museum” Click here for the full story. We raise a pint of ale to this Visionary Brit Museum.

As we said, they’re everywhere. Can you see this one? If you’re lucky, you can buy a Crunchie bar there.

As email marches its way over the top of “snail mail”, these icons may soon go, too. Click here for more.

Here’s the final task to make your UK day spiffing and smashing. For a cheap local bus ride, watch below.

Do The Full Monty while you’re there. Tower of London and Crown Jewels Exhibition Ticket! Click here.

Fly to London. Choose the best, Virgin Atlantic. To look and book, click here.

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