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Feeling hot, hot hot?

Who isn’t up for hot adventures? The hotter the better, we think. Wanna jump on the Volcano Trail, then? We all know that volcanoes are awe-inspiring geological formations that showcase the raw power of nature. But that’s a rather dry description, isn’t it? Witnessing a volcanic eruption or exploring the aftermath of one can be a truly humbling experience. And running away from them is even better.

But no-one is that silly, and that certainly describes our smart affiliate friends, G adventures. They go nearly everywhere, and they are always conjuring up one fantastic escapade after another, but their tours always hit the spot. This post’s selection is all about volcanoes, and how you get get up close and personal with these monsters of the earth.

From the laid-back vibes and waves of the Pacific Coast to tropical rainforests alive with jungle melodies, take the road less travelled on this trip through Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica with other travellers your own age.

This is one of their most exciting trips, filled with breathtaking scenery and a chance to experience local culture with a two-night community guesthouse stay on the island of Ometepe. Enjoy a blend of public and private transportation, which not only keeps costs down but also gives you a chance to really meet the locals. Interested? o look and book, Click here

Arrive at any time. Tonight, explore El Barrio, a vibrant marketplace of many small bars and pubs. Get to know your fellow travellers over a few drinks, and cheers to the adventures to come. Arrive at any time. Antigua is approximately one hour’s drive from the international airport in Guatemala City.

Explore the museums, colonial buildings and soak up the atmosphere in this delightful city, one of the best-restored Spanish colonial cities in the world. The entire city was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The surrounding volcanoes can be seen from everywhere in the city and the colorful markets attract indigenous artisans from all over the country. To look and book, Click here.

Our affiliate friends, G Adventures will get you there and back. What a Blast! Hiking to volcanic summits, descending into craters, or exploring lava fields offer opportunities for adventure and exploration. Unique Landscapes: Volcanoes create unique and diverse landscapes, from lush rainforests to barren deserts. These landscapes can be home to a wide range of flora and fauna. Click here to book.

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