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Selfridges City

Hey, ma’am, ah leave me alone, you know. Hey ma’am, oh, madam, get off the phone. I’ve gotta straighten this place . . . and my work’s at a pace.

You must have heard of Selfridges. It’s as iconic as iconic can be in London. Harry Gordon Selfridge was born on January 11, 1858, in Ripon, Wisconsin, USA. His early life was marked by tragedy, as his father left the family during the Civil War, and his two older brothers died young. Harry was raised by his mother, who instilled in him a strong work ethic. He started his career in retail at a young age, working at a local general store before moving to Chicago.

While living in Chicago, Illinois, USA, In Chicago, Selfridge began working for the Marshall Field & Company department store in 1879. Over the years, he rose through the ranks to become a partner. His innovative ideas and emphasis on customer service transformed Marshall Field’s into one of the most successful department stores in the United States.

In 1909, Harry Gordon Selfridge opened the first Selfridges store on Oxford Street, London. The store was an instant success and became one of the most famous department stores in the world. Selfridge’s vision was to create a shopping experience that was both enjoyable and luxurious.

Selfridges Building, Birmingham, UK.

He believed in the concept of “shopping for pleasure,” which was a departure from the utilitarian approach to retail that was common in Britain at the time. Selfridge was known for his innovative marketing techniques. He introduced the concept of window displays to attract customers and made the store a destination in itself.

He was also the first to create a store layout that encouraged browsing, with merchandise displayed in a way that invited customers to explore. And the rest is history. When in London, visit Selfridges. As luscious as it is, you’re still free to wander and dream. Wham bam, thank you ma’am for shopping at Selfridges city.

The building may be classic, but the style is still bang up to date. You know you want to. Click here to shop.

Why should you go? Shopping obviously. But if it’s pouring down rain, any old port in a storm, and what better place than Selfridges? Click here to look or buy.

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