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Slănic-Moldova. Step away from the everyday.

Reading blurbs for typical travel destinations, they’re usually packed with the typical activities: walks, boating, skiing and more. Not bad, but not new. And if you “fall prey” to this kind of shall we say “relaxed” travel, you might find yourself falling into a bit of a malaise. So when places like today’s destination pop up, we’re all eyes and ears.

Moldova is often noted as the second poorest country in Europe by GDP per official capita after Ukraine and much of its GDP is dominated by the service sector. That is true, but that actually presents a unique opportunity for you. A new and intriguing part of Europe opens its doors for you.

So, what do you get? Natural beauty, therapeutic mineral waters and spectacular mountain landscapes, for a start. And how about the famous The “300 Steps” trail, which is particularly popular, leading to a viewpoint with outstanding vistas.

Finally, Located nearby, the Târgu Ocna salt mine is a unique attraction, with health the sanatorium known for treating respiratory issues. And let’s not forget the Soviet presence. Fascinating. You’ll walk away a new person.

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