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Tren Sexytime

You can always count on the Germans to surprise. Just when you think that you understand the country’s stereotype (which is almost always the wrong one) you find that they leap out of the blue with something new and fun. And they are a fun country.

Having worked with them in the travel industry for many years, we can confidently confirm that they are some of the funniest, warmest and most delightful humans on the planet. So, when we heard about their latest innovation, we were all ears, and not a bit surprised. (Or should we say all lips?) Everyone, please say hello to Smooch Cabins.

Not to be mistaken with “mooch trains” which is where one asks for or obtain (something) without paying for it. (to be clear, mooch trains might have been something that we just made up. But everybody has to pay and pay.)

No, these are a real thing and are exactly what it says on the label. A Smooch Cabin is “a personal space with “significantly more privacy,” according to DB. Now, lest you think what you’re thinking about these cabins it may not be what you think. One of the primary uses is simply phone or video calls while travelling. Not much sizzle in that.

And not so sexy, either, but useful without a doubt, we guess. Frosted glass is just one feature of the new trains. Quiet spaces is another. You’ll have to leave the smoke and mirrors for when you get home to bed. Click here to read the whole story.

Lucky you! OMIO have it all. Trains, planes, buses and more. Great prices, too. Click here to book.

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