Sexytime will just have to wait.
It’s the City of the Seven Hills. Better get walking.
“Yes, but what about MY needs??”
Paradores are so much Moor.
Hardly the Long and Winding Road.
“Goodbye reality, hello Vegas.”
The best way to survive a hurricane?
Avoid one.
Want some heavy metal? Are you ready to rock?
Get a good deal, and a good deal more. We can help.
How about an Island conservation site with limited development other than an 1800s village & secluded beaches?
Mal à la tête? Only if you’re clumsy.
Do you want to ride The Big Apple? You know you do.
Colombia is everything that you want it to be and more.
No matter where you go, there you are,
Wir fahren, fahren, fahren auf der Autobahn
Wir fahren, fahren, fahren auf der Autobahn
Mountains come out of the sky.
35,000 complaint tickets open.
I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles.
“My kid is turning out just like me.” Aaaahhh!!!
You’ll want to stay long’ga in Tonga.