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Let’s be specific: Oregon’s mid-Willamette valley

Many Americans have a way of saying where they live in this format:  "Oh, I come from West Irishtown in the upper Cuyahoga Valley" instead of saying "Cleveland."  Many non-Americans sometimes get confused with that very specific sentence structure.  It's an endearing thing, but it can baffle others. So this article follows that pattern in…

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Let’s all sing a song of aerodynamics

If you're a fan of our site, then you'll know that we reciprocate that with you.  Thank you! You'll also know how much we love to travel and how much aircraft factor into this.  Modern planes (and, to be honest, even older planes) are complex beasts, over-engineered to provide that maximum safety for passengers.  They…

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Large home – 414 years old. Six careful owners.

We recently watched a fascinating documentary about Kumamoto Castle on the Curiosity Stream channel. This impressive Japanese dwelling for six generations of Japanese monarchy has survived battles, earthquakes . . and more earthquakes, the most recent by another Kumamoto Earthquake in 2016.  The last quake unearthed unexpected damage to the building, to the point of…

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This is not a reproduction

Regular readers of this site will know that we are history freaks:  the older, the better - and the more amazing.  In every corner of the world, historical delights can be found around every corner.  But, some locations in the world specialise in history:  their efforts to delight and inform visitors range from the basic…

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Self Service Travel – Rail, Buses and More

Rail, Buses & More Self-service travel shop If you want to shop on your own, this is the place to do it. Click on any of the images below to explore our travel partners. Eurail is the official online sales channel for Eurail Passes, based in the Netherlands. Our fulfilment centers are operating from the U.S.A.,…

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A warm welcome from the Phlegraean Fields

If you yawn because you think you've seen every kind tourist haunt, here's a place that's really smoking! There is nothing remotely Elysian about the Phlegræan Fields; nothing sylvan, nothing green. The Fields, which lie on the north shore of the Bay of Naples in Italy, are part of the caldera of a volcano that is…

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Payback’s a beach

Sandals Resorts have a tradition each spring.  It's called the "Maycation Giveaway"  and that's exactly what it is.  Here are the details. We're honoring teachers, nurses, moms, members of the military and frankly anyone that rocks! And after a year of unforeseen challenges, Sandals Resorts is bringing the sunshine back with 31 complimentary vacations to some…

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Fun Stuff Self-service travel shop If you want to shop on your own, this is the place to do it. Click on any of the images below to explore our travel partners. Banana Republic was born from two California creatives fueled by their explorer spirits. Curious, connected and out in the world, our clothing is designed…

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Tours Self-service travel shop If you want to shop on your own, this is the place to do it. Click on any of the images below to explore our travel partners. Amstar DMC provides world-class destination services to individuals, travel agencies, tour operators, corporations and meeting planners. We have a track record of 30 years delivering…

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Self-Service-Travel-Shop – Rentals

Rentals Self-service travel shop If you want to shop on your own, this is the place to do it. Click on any of the images below to explore our travel partners. The organisation's roots date back to 1980. With over 40 years of knowledge and experience behind it, Belvilla has become the market leader in the…

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Self-Service Travel Shop – Cruises

Cruises Self-service travel shop If you want to shop on your own, this is the place to do it. Click on any of the images below to explore our travel partners. When travelers shop with Avoya Travel they are gaining access to exclusive travel deals on top cruise, tour, and resorts that can't be found anywhere…

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Pain is just a word for bread

This looks grueling. Put on your best pink tutu, peacock feathers or Viking hat and get ready to run – and drink! Held on 11 September in 2021– just in time for wine harvest – the annual Marathon du Médoc brings contestants to more than 30 vineyards in the wine region of Médoc in France,…

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Doesn’t ring a bell

If you're an avid traveler, you've probably been to all of the top spots:  Venice, Paris, Buenos Aires, New York etc.  But you may have only scratched the scratch of what the world has to offer. This article highlights some of the world's least travelled locations.   Some of them are big names - Monaco, for…

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Airline food

Perhaps it's just us (I doubt it,) but we can't imagine travelers looking forward to airline food, especially in this day and age.  Packets of pretzels generally do not make us squeal with delight anymore. But, always posh and always positive British Airways have anticipated our needs before we did and are now offering their 20,000…

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