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Search: island

Senegal – Solving tomorrow’s problems?

As of this writing, it's January 30, 2024, the planet is still on fire. We humans are not getting it. It's not like we don't know what's happening, or why, or how to fix it. According to NOAA's 2023 Annual Climate Report the combined land and ocean temperature has increased at an…

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How high can you fly?

The ever humorous Douglas Adams always knew how to turn a phrase. He wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that sold more than 15 million copies in his lifetime. Given the nature of that book, we're sure he would laugh with us at the irony of it all. As he quoted, “I…

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Get away from it all: ghost towns

Some of us live in cities that could probably be classed as a ghost town: Miriam Webster defines it as a "once-flourishing town wholly or nearly deserted usually as a result of the exhaustion of some natural resource." But, just as commonly, the source of its demise is the exhaustion of human resources.…

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 Not so Faroe way

Have you been to Iceland? We have and it was certainly one-of-a-kind in so many ways and a must-see if you've not been. It feels like a European Nordic country, but also feels somewhat isolated and disconnected to its European mainland cousins. Hard to describe, but certainly unforgettable. If you have been…

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Principe Trippy

No, this has nothing to do with hallucinogens, but that's your call. As is our wont, we're focusing on a rather nice place that you might want to consider for your next "trippy." As you will have no doubt guessed, we're featuring a trippy to Principe. And if you're not in the know,…

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Malta, not Gibralta’

We recently happened upon a fascinating video featuring the calming and kind Bettany Hughes where she takes viewers into locations - many subterranean - in this most interesting country. Its history is beyond impressive, especially with so many countries taking control at one time or another. In fact, Malta has a history dating…

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Time travel in Venezuela

We love writing about history. It's like an onion, where the more you peel, the more you find the prize. And we are well and truly blessed nowadays to have history at our fingertips, at the end of a remote control. Discovering new editions of historical topics is one of the best…

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