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Can you Canfranc?

War is hell.  There have been too many.  But, humans always find a way to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start again. After the end of the First World War, during the euphoria following one of the most awful periods of world history, the Pau-Somport rail tunnel had been driven beneath the Pyrenees…

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Tsk! Kids, these days

First, they want an Xbox.  Then they want a car.  And now they want to roller-skate in an airport!  What's next? Well, the rather great TWA Hotel at JFK Airport in New York (we wrote about them here) are actually featuring exactly that - A 50-minute skating session costs $20 per adult and $16 for…

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All a’bored

Almost everyone loves a cruise.  The sea, the waves, romance.  Even if you get seasick, the allure is strong. Cruise lines are very smart and very alert to what people want on a cruise.  One constant is booze.  There would be no cruise without booze. But check out these on-board bars that take it to another level. Pull…

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Young, fast and scientific

Let's face it - finding travel deals is not easy. There are not enough hours in the day for most of us.  And it's a moving target. Well, let's give a big thank you to our affiliate friends have created their annual Cheapair 2021Annual Airfare Study. You don’t have to feel stymied by convoluted…

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There’s a snake in my boot

Are you tired of the same old holiday?  That is, sitting on the beach, looking at statues, ziplining, etc? Do you fancy yourself as a cowboy?  If so, then we have some ideas for you. There are places around the world where you can stay at a ranch, rustle cows and wear a hat.  But, if that…

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I've suffered for my art.  Now it's your turn. Hope springs eternal when it comes to budding entrepreneurs.  "Build it, and they will buy it." But sometimes, maybe not.  There is a museum in Miami focused on vehicles that, on balance, just did not make it.  And the museum is a rollicking fun-filled afternoon of almost-rans  and…

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Tribeca trifecta

Ahhh, New York.  The city that never sleeps.  But fear not, you won't have any sleeping problems whatsoever when you stay at the Walker Hotel Tribeca. An established hotel for decades, the property has had a complete refresh:  clean design, minimalist décor, an excellent location (Tribeca is one of NYC's hippest destinations) and prices that…

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The little train that couldn’t

We here at Matouring have often written about the wonders and the practicalities of rail travel.  Much of the world uses it as the default mode of travel.  But the United States has still not caught on to this global way-of-life.  Like it or not, the United States has a big transportation problem. According to…

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Chunnel of love

As of this writing, the past few years have been tumultuous, to say the least.  Between pandemics, anger in the streets, despicable political maneuvering and change in almost every country, the world is not the one we that thought we knew. One such event was Brexit.  For those not aware, this was an event that…

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Even older than old

A mysterious group of ancient monuments first discovered in Saudi Arabia in the 1970s, known as mustatials, predate the first Egyptian pyramids and Stonehenge by over 2,000 years, making them the world’s oldest ritual landscape, archaeologists now say. Scattered across 77,000 square miles of desert in northwest Arabia, the mustatils (the name comes from the…

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We go LIGO

We here at Matouring just love technology and science.  Everyday there is something new to boggle our minds.  Lately we have been spending some time reading "The God Equation by Michio Kaku."  Mind-blowing, to say the least. "When Newton discovered the law of gravity, he unified the rules governing the heavens and the Earth. Since…

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You wear what you eat

Archaeologists and other scientists are beginning to unravel the story of our most intimate technology: clothing. They’re learning when and why our ancestors first started to wear clothes, and how their adoption was crucial to the evolutionary success of our ancestors when they faced climate change on a massive scale during the Pleistocene ice ages.…

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A traveler's dream is to find an honest, unspoiled and inexpensive place to go.  As the world gets smaller, this remit gets harder to fill.  But, read below about Namibia.  You might be delighted. "Arguably Namibia’s main attraction is nature—it’s a country of spectacular scenery and plentiful wildlife, from camping amidst the stunning orange dunes of…

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Self Service Travel – Rail, Buses and More

Rail, Buses & More Self-service travel shop If you want to shop on your own, this is the place to do it. Click on any of the images below to explore our travel partners. Eurail is the official online sales channel for Eurail Passes, based in the Netherlands. Our fulfilment centers are operating from the U.S.A.,…

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A warm welcome from the Phlegraean Fields

If you yawn because you think you've seen every kind tourist haunt, here's a place that's really smoking! There is nothing remotely Elysian about the Phlegræan Fields; nothing sylvan, nothing green. The Fields, which lie on the north shore of the Bay of Naples in Italy, are part of the caldera of a volcano that is…

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Aussie hotel floats to North Korea

Hope springs eternal, and this idea almost made it.  But the winds of change, and the tides – literally – sealed its fate.  It’s a long and winding tale. The Hotel Haegumgang is a floating hotel that began operations in Queensland, Australia, was moved to Vietnam, and is currently docked at Mount Kumgang on the east coast of North Korea. According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, it…

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