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Navarre. Not heard of it? You should….

When people think of Spain, they typically think of places like Barcelona and Madrid. Of course, those are excellent choices and should be revisited again and again. But one place you may have never heard of is Navarre. Situated not too far from Bilbao, this little-known area of Spain features a huge variety of interesting…

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Turks & Caicos

  The Turks and Caicos Islands are a British Overseas Territory only 37 miles long and all together consist of 40 islands and cays, of which only 12 are inhabited. There are two main islands, Grand Turk (Turks Islands) and Providenciales (Caicos Islands). These islands are 575 miles south-east from Florida and 90 miles north…

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Beautiful and expressive woman-Pedro Ribeiro Simões

Tips that solo female travelers need to know before planning a trip

Traveling as a solo woman can have it's uncertainties.  But with good planning, awareness and a positive but attentive attitude, solo travel can give you lifetime experiences that you will never forget. Choose your destination with Intent. Plan your first night well. Visualize the necessities but no more. Pack light. Keep your accommodation to yourself.…

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Senior train travel tips from the Man in Seat 61

For background, Mark Smith, the man behind,  was an employee of British Rail.  Starting out in rural Kent on what was then BR's Southern Region, he was the Station Manager for London's Charing Cross, London Bridge & Cannon Street stations in the early to mid 1990s.  After a spell as the Customer Relations Manager…

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You’ve likely never seen a beach like this.

It is located near the coastal town of Llanes (Spain,) on the coast of Asturias, Gulpiyuri Beach is unlike anything I have ever seen, or even imagined existed outside of Dali painting or a fantasy film. Imagine walking through the country and stumbling over an idyllic beach right in the middle of a green meadow…

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Here comes the sun: but it’s solstice

Our ancestors revered the Sun as a creator and destroyer of life. Their senses told them that when the Sun is absent, everyone and everything suffers. They tracked its movements, noticing how it rises a little further along the horizon each day, until the solstices, when it pauses (the word solstice comes from ‘sun standstill’), then tracks…

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