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Special Interest

Special Interest

It’s 1984 again . . and again

We here at are of an age when we've seen (and even experienced first-hand) some of the half-baked ideas and horrific outcomes on the world stage and in world politics.  It feels like we're there yet again, but, unlike before, we have the power to collectively act and make a difference. George Orwell (with his books…

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All the way the paper bag was on my knee

The bile-high club. As we write this, in this time in space of humankind, we're seeing all sorts of odd and bizarre performances from people when it comes to travel.  Opening doors of moving jets (and jumping from them) punching air attendants, being duct-taped to seats.  The list goes on-and-on - and we hope it stops…

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Sending out an SOS

Most likely, you've had fantasies of a round-the-world trip, taking months at a time to do it.  All of your dream destinations, visited in sumptuous luxury.  But also likely, you've never actually done it. Well, here is an interesting variation on that theme that might either temp you, or have you fleeing in the opposite direction. Princess…

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Supper’s ready

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused pandemonium everywhere, especially when it comes to the world of tourism. As you'll know, Leonardo DaVinci's Last Supper is one of the most visited and admired tourist attractions in the world.  It did not escape the travel drought, either.   But, happily, it is now open again for you to visit. The Santa…

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Be a better traveler

By default, just because you're reading this (and have visited our site,) we can assume that you're a smart, aware, thoughtful, curious and fun human being.  But, we always have room for improvement, it's safe to say.  The choices we make on the road can have a big impact on the people and places we encounter…

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“Ancient” technology?

We often tend to give short shrift to ancient technologies.  We can see the lineage in our modern world, but often assume that everything was more-or-less created in the past hundred years or so. A hundred and twenty years ago, divers discovered a shipwreck off the island of Antikythera in Greece. What they found changed our…

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Although the world is starting to open up again, from the Covid-19 pandemic, it can still be a bit of a dicey proposition:  you never know when someone won't be "cooperating" with the efforts to quell the pandemic.  And, there is always the chance that your flight will be surreptitiously cancelled. Well, if you're still clamouring…

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Weekly . . perhaps, weakly

The week is the most artificial and recent of our time counts yet it’s impossible to imagine our shared lives without it. Among many collective discoveries during the pandemic confinement of 2020, Americans learned just how attached we are to our seven weekdays. As complaints about temporal disorientation mounted that April, we focused not on the clock…

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The fifteen minute city

The world is certainly not getting any smaller, that's for sure.  And its capacity to hold us all is starting to become a strain on the planet.  But, as ever, there are clever humans who have ideas. The 15-minute city urban theory received the 2021 Obel Prize in recognition of the concept's value for creating sustainable…

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NYC . . . thin on the ground

As if encountering wafer-thin fashion models as they strut down Fifth Avenue in New York City  isn't enough to discombobulate your sense of self, now the high-rise apartments are getting into the act. New York has always been home to some of the world’s tallest towers, but in the last 10 years the city has seen…

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Close to the edge

Close to the edge, down by the river.  Down at the end, round by the corner. Seasons will pass you by. There are few places as mystical and magical as Iceland.  Still relatively untouched, the landscape shapes its people, and they respond in kind by returning the favour. You've all seen images of Iceland's volcanoes, but have…

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Spelunking in Tokyo

It's hard to believe, but there is the very slim chance that you might run out of activities when you're in Tokyo. You will have had to have combed the entire city of 13.96 million people, the 60,000+ restaurants, 6,000 different parks. (see some of our suggestions, below.) But, if all of that is not enough, watch…

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Och aye the noo

Och aye the noo = An archetypal example of an overt Scotticism is "Och aye the noo", which translates as "Oh yes, just now". But, it doesn't stray too far from its roots.  And, luckily for us, we are learning more and more about history - Scottish in this case.  Read more here courtesy of AutoEurope…

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Get in line

As you'll know, the skies are full of aircraft, flying here and there.  If you live near an airport, your knowledge is supreme. But do you know which are the busiest routes in the air?   This knowledge could help you plan more efficiently the next time you travel. Read more here courtesy of   With that many flights,…

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The oldest buildings in Canada

We have to chuckle a bit at this article - the oldest buildings in Canada .  We lived in London where we almost rented a house that was built in the 1400's, so considering that one of the oldest places in Vancouver is from 1921, it's not much of a comparison. But, fair is fair and Canada…

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Light, cameras, action!

If you find yourself hang-gliding through enemy airspace, you'll want to have the best camera to capture the evidence. This also applies if you like taking pictures of bunnies, or raindeer, or Big Foot.  Having the right kit makes all the difference in the world. Read here about some nice, but not expensive, cameras to take into…

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Why? Because it was there.

Humans are forever looking at new ways to discover - and sometimes conquer - our planet (not even mentioning the moon.) Sometimes they succeed and it is a truly noteworthy success.  Other times, not so much. Have a look at the video below to marvel at the assumptions (and sometimes hubris) of our fellow earthings. If you want…

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A flock of Airbus

In this day and age of diminishing everything, it's good to know that the clever people are still trying to do their best to make a better world. For example, Airbus has demonstrated how formation flying can aid sustainability with two of its test A350s flying across the Atlantic Ocean. Dubbed the quote-unquote “final demonstration,” Airbus is…

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