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Eight days in Kyoto, Japan for $2,000

Wander or Bust is an Elite Daily travel series that follows young women/femme-identifying travelers all over the globe to record their journeys as they experience the thrill of the far-flung and unknown. They'll track their budgets, where they stay, where they eat and drink, and where they took that amazing Instagram that got them ~maximum…

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Bali high

In Bali beauty and blessings are an industry. Hotels advertise “meditation area” on road signs, shoppers visit Reborn Gifts, graffiti is simply “KARMA” spray-painted in capitals. Its allure is obvious and since 2006’s book Eat, Pray Love, the island’s come under increasing pressure from tourism: international visitors rose from 4.8 million in 2006 to 6.5…

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The Canadian Rockies …. and a glass train?

Picture yourself travelling through the jaw-dropping mountain ranges of the Canadian Rockies. Dreamy, right? Now imagine doing it on a train made out of glass. It sounds like something lifted out of fantasy - but with Canadian Rail Tour Company Rocky Mountaineer, you can do just that.  Some countries, such as the United States, have…

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“Dear, ocean. I think about you all the time.”

The website Wavecation has existed in one form or another since the early 2000s. Originally a passion project of Matt Thomson, it long functioned as a lo-fi repository of beachfront rental properties near good surf breaks. In 2018, longtime users Juan Dulanto and Ren Fuller-Wasserman reached out to Thompson to inquire about his future plans…

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Happy Buddymoon!

The honeymoon alternative for non-traditional couples. If you're a social butterfly who's planning to get married this year, here's an idea: consider forgoing a standard honeymoon and trade it in for a group trip with your partner and close friends, a.k.a. a buddymoon.  This time, Mexico is your destination. On a buddymoon, married couples aren't…

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Saari and some cold showers

After arriving downhill at Saari and some cold showers, we began the journey to our next destination- Chopta. The drive from Saari to Chopta was about 45 minutes long and every curve of the road exposed different perspectives of the natural setting. As we gained more altitude, the endless snow capped peaks lined our horizon.…

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Police cars are cheaper than taxis

How to Seduce a Panamanian Cop | Bocas del Toro, Panama Her name was Zarra, which should’ve been my first clue. If she’d been a Millicent, our evening would have proceeded differently. Millicents don’t seduce Panamanian policía for a ride to a nightclub, and then perform cunnilingus six paces from the dance floor—at least, none…

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The most luxurious cruise line you’ve…

....never heard of. "Great moments. Truly exclusive." So boasts the orange sleeve that holds each cabin key card for Hapag-Lloyd Cruises' luxury cruise ship Europa 2. Only they're not cabins. Every single one of the 251 rooms on the ship is a suite -- with a balcony. Passengers, the vast majority well-off Germans, happily pay $500…

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Rijeka or breaka

Rijeka in Croatia has been named the 2020 European Capital of Culture, here are four reasons why you should pay it a visit. 2020 is a very special year for Croatia. The eastern Europe gem has become the travel destination du jour of the last five years, praised for its interesting beaches (think dramatic coastlines…

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