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Packing hacks for adventurous women travelers

Oooh . .  I totally need this blender.  And I can't leave without my stuffed muskrat collection. Responsible and ready for anything: it can be done, with our pick of the best products that help make traveling lighter on the planet - and your backpack. Take the essential items that will make your trip safer,…

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Beach blanket bingo

Live fast, die young, leave a good-looking corpse. As explored in a recent article, most of the world’s airport runways are paved with concrete or asphalt. However, there are certain exceptions to this trend. We have previously explored gravel and ice runways, but what about beaches? Let’s take a look at where passengers should…

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Views, glorious views

In this time of uncertainty and - sometimes - guilt about traveling, you can never go wrong if your destination is Europe's Nordic countries - in this case, Denmark and our new affiliate friends, Dancenter. The people of the north have a long history of taking care of their health, and - in this day…

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Aqaba job

"I last found myself here, inadvertently, in March 2020. My planned journey from the Saudi tourism hub of Al Ula to the Yemeni island of Socotra collapsed when the flight to Cairo was cancelled as frontiers slammed shut. Rather than taking that as an early sign of an impending travel shutdown and seeking the fastest…

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Volando sobre las vegas

Volando sobre las vegas (flying over Las Vegas) We would expect that many of our readers have been to Las Vegas, and maybe more than once.  You  might think that you've seen pretty much everything there. Well, here's a smooth video that might just prove you wrong.  Unless, of course, you're able to fly with…

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When people think of Colombia, it is usually of marvelous places such as Bogota, or Cartegena or Medellín - all genuinely wonderful destinations that you must put on your list. But, there is a relatively unknown part of Columbia that goes beyond into an almost magical realm:  Chiribiquete. Chiribiquete National Natural Park is the largest national…

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Here’s looking at you, kid

Conspiracy theorists, look away now. Think about it for a minute: if you’re willing to hold a camera to your eye, why not have a camera attached to it that can snap away, by voice instruction, instead of finger on the shutter? That’s the premise of Facebook’s new $299 camera glasses that also play music and podcasts.…

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Don’t worry, you can’t miss it

Location, location, location.  It's all about the location and your neighbours.  It can make all the difference in the world. For example, this quaint home in the coastal village of Plougrescant in Brittany, France, dates all the way back to 1861 and was sandwiched - in an incroyable manner- betwixt two huge rocks to help…

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Boris & Chief Kamanawanalea

This is a different kind of cold war. Russian Fort Elizabeth is a National Historic Landmark and is administered as the Russian Fort Elizabeth State Historical Park just southeast of present-day Waimea on the island of Kauaʻi in Hawaiʻi. It is located at the site of the former Fort Elizabety, the last remaining Russian…

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SOM thing to behold

New York is, of course, a marvel.  Like so many other super-cities around the world, you never really run out of things to do, even if you live there.  And, as always, there is constant change. But, what is equally as interesting is the "hidden" places that can fascinate.  One such "hidden" place is actually…

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How now, brown cow?

If you visit our site, you will know how much we like and promote India.  It is a massive, crowded, bewildering, lovely and intoxicating place.  The people are uniformly kind and helpful and funny.  The sites are breathtaking.  The cities are a swirl of activity.   If you haven't been, please do so.  And, know that…

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Bloom where you’re planted.

To many of us, this may come as a surprise, especially in this day and age of corporate efficiency. For decades, KLM Airlines have been creating miniature ceramic collectibles of Amsterdam canal houses, and they share them with loyal customers.  Each house is a miniature replica of an existing house, almost all of them in the…

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Let’s eat here

After the world has been decimated by Covid-19, now that the fog is clearing somewhat, it's time to focus our thoughts on those businesses and their employees who have been so profoundly impacted.  In other words, when you can, buy local. Eating locally produced food on your travels may seem like small potatoes, but the…

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Elizabethan manner

We here at Matouring love the UK.  One aspect of the land is the sheer amount and breadth of its history.  (We have plenty of articles here on our site which you can peruse and enjoy. But, just because its history stretches back thousands of years doesn't mean that it's mired in the past.  Hardly. …

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We thank-a Sri Lanka

At one point it seemed like the whole world was backpacking and trekking this tropical paradise in South Asia. Never one to miss out, we went to see for ourselves to bring you this guide to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is roughly the same size as Ireland and sits to the south-east of India. The island…

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Steam pumped!

In the 1800s, Niagara Falls was considered the be-all and end-all of North America's pure promise and unending resources. Being able to visit was considered the trip of a lifetime. The William Birch Rankine Power Station was Canada's first major power station on the mighty river. Built in 1905 using horse-and-carriage labor, it pumped out…

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Bartender, a sunburn on the rocks, please

While we love relaxing on famous Florida beaches, we’re even bigger fans of enjoying the same warm and sunny setting while seated at a beach bar.  Because, really, there’s nothing better than elevating that toes-in-the-sand experience with a tropical cocktail or ice-cold beer and perhaps a light bite or two. Jimmy B's Beach Bar is a winner in…

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