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For Women Only

A tour for the worst

Friends will tell you that you have to go to these ‘world famous sights’. But we’re here to tell you that sometimes, your friends are wrong. Reserve your precious holiday time for the best these destinations have to offer, not the overcrowded, overpriced tourist traps. Here are some of the most overhyped sights in Europe…

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Clean-us de Milo

If ever there was a need to use tender, loving care, it's when you work in place with some of the most precious and irreplaceable paintings, sculptures and artifacts.  Of course, in this case, we're talking about The Louvre in Paris.  The Musée du Louvre had a record 10.2 million visitors in 2018—an increase of…

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Shipload of Love

Given the state of travel nowadays, it's nice to hear something good.  And Virgin Voyages is offering to bring a smile to someone who deserves it.   "We can name a few things: the freedom of setting out on a new journey, the promise of fresh experiences, the sun cresting the horizon at the start of…

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Kids these days don’t know anything

People tend to be extremely nostalgic about the music they listened to when they were young. If you were a teenager in the 1970s, chances are you will love Queen, Stevie Wonder or ABBA. And if you were young in the 1990s, Wannabe by the Spice Girls probably still gets you on the dance floor.…

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The little Pelican book on philosophy

There is an urgent need today for the citizens of a democracy to think well.’ These words, which could have been written yesterday, come from Thinking to Some Purpose, a popular book by the British philosopher Susan Stebbing, first published in 1939 in the Penguin ‘Pelican’ books series, with that familiar blue-and-white cover. This little…

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Farewell to a travel pioneer

We're sure that the name Sandals is well-known to almost everyone who loves to travel.  One of our affiliates, Sandals offers luxurious and unforgettable holidays at their all-inclusive resorts all around the world. This short post is to pay tribute and say "au revoir" to Sandals founder, Butch Stewart, who passed away on 4 January,…

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Say it loud and proud!

The LGBTQ+ community are fighting for something that non-LGBTQ+ travellers have always taken for granted. Belonging. The ability for an individual to choose where in the world they feel like they really belong has always been the privilege of those who conform. Discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression is an all-too-familiar…

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Get smart!

Please welcome our latest partner, One Day University. One Day University is an education company that brings the best professors from across the nation to present entertaining, inspiring versions of their best lectures to lifelong learners. Their  entire library of 400 fascinating classes is available to members, with new talks streaming live every day. Every…

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Please welcome our new contributor, Beyond Adventures.  With an incredibly diverse past, she has lots of topics to choose from.  Today, it's all about technology.  "My day starts with coffee or tea, a slice of toast with jam, and fruit while catching up with the world via social media. My gotos? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and…

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Napa mapper

The most famous wine region in North America, Napa Valley produces wines that rival those from the Old World’s most revered regions—but that’s not all it has going for it. This 30-mile stretch of Northern California has also proven to be one of the most beautiful to visit, with year-round sunshine and pleasing temps. Notoriety…

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Being in the here and now

Many spiritual teachers have emphasised the notion of being fully present ‘in the now’. Proponents of meditative practices of various sorts tout meditation as a way of immersing oneself fully in the present moment, and not attending to the past or future. The spiritual teachers (including prominent authors) and proponents of meditation typically point to…

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Do you want Samoa?

Who better to ask about travel ideas than travel professionals? Our partner, Viator, asked its staff on where they would like to travel next.  There were lots of ideas, but Samoa struck us as a top idea.  Here's what they said: Sāmoa "I’ve been dreaming of going to the Cook Islands since moving to New Zealand two…

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Living with the locals

Throwing yourself into a new culture can be one of the most daunting yet rewarding parts of travel. Here are some things to consider if you're about to check-in to a homestay and check out a place with a community-run operator. When traveling, it’s easy to just see the veneer of culture without really getting…

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Smile, you’re on hidden camera

Privacy is perceived differently across the world. For example, in Germany, very few offices have open doors, while in America, this is quite common. However, nobody would be okay with secretly being watched, especially during private activities. People might think you’re being paranoid, but you can’t help it. You’ve probably seen one too many movies…

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