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For Women Only

Viking. More than just Norse ships and pillaging

If you're a traveler, you've likely taken at least one cruise in your life.  And, chances are good that you may have boarded a Viking Cruise ship:  they are some of the best and most forward-thinking cruise lines in the world. But, Viking goes beyond by also informing and entertaining us with their ongoing…

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Air / space

Sometimes, traveling on aircraft for long periods of time makes you give up hope.  Aircraft can be so uncomfortable, and the seats unforgiving. Those in business or first-class often never encounter the same aches and pains of us hoi poloi,  but the struggle is real. Now, Airbus comes to the rescue with their new Airspace interior designs,…

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European self-sufficiency

Europe is often looked upon as a model of efficiency.  With nearly 750 million people living in a relatively tight space, they need to be.  But, Europe has also been the mother of invention there.  Spain created the spacesuit.  Iceland created the power transformer.  Ireland created the submarine . . .  and more. One modern…

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My soul, that is in this stele

Some 2,700 years ago in the ancient city of Sam’al, in what is now modern Turkey, an elderly servant of the king sits in a corner of his house and contemplates the nature of his soul. His name is Katumuwa. He stares at a basalt stele made for him, featuring his own graven portrait together…

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You get what you pay for

Many of us approach dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant as almost a religious sabbatical.   Our best trousers and dresses, shoes shined, hair recently coiffed, we cross the hallowed threshold into a world of inconceivable bliss.  And, the next thing you know, the entire month's paycheck is accounted for. Well, it's time to wake up.  It…

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Pain is just a word for bread

This looks grueling. Put on your best pink tutu, peacock feathers or Viking hat and get ready to run – and drink! Held on 11 September in 2021– just in time for wine harvest – the annual Marathon du Médoc brings contestants to more than 30 vineyards in the wine region of Médoc in France,…

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Hey, groovy cats. Dig this!

This is worth taking a special trip, especially if you love retro mid-century-modern design like we do.   MCR and MORSE Development have reignited the magic of Eero Saarinen’s landmark 1962 TWA Flight Center at JFK Airport, restoring and reimagining it as a first-class hotel. At the center of the hotel is Eero Saarinen’s iconic TWA Flight Center, where restaurants, bars and…

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Fly Andorra

As you may or may not know, Andorra is a small, mountainous country in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain.  For 715 years (1278 to 1993), Andorrans lived under a unique co-principality ruled by the French Chief of State and the Bishop of La Seu d'Urgell.  As of 2019, its population is 77,142. Tourism,…

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Katarina – you must have seen her

Everyone loves a cruise.  Romance, food, the water and dreamy locations.  It pulls us with little or no effort. But how about something even more special?  How about a cruise of your own - just you and your friends and / or family - in some of the most picturesque locations on earth. Our affiliate…

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EasyJet – easy to get!

EasyJet - easy get!  New holidays to the Italian lakes We're super happy to welcome EasyJet Holidays to our group of affiliate friends. If you know Europe (and if you know us) EasyJet is a travel brand that we not only feature, but have also used again and again in our travels.  And now they…

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Doesn’t ring a bell

If you're an avid traveler, you've probably been to all of the top spots:  Venice, Paris, Buenos Aires, New York etc.  But you may have only scratched the scratch of what the world has to offer. This article highlights some of the world's least travelled locations.   Some of them are big names - Monaco, for…

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Safe travels? You can Belize in it

The Belize Tourism Board (BTB) is pleased to announce that Belize has achieved the Safe Travels Stamp, granted by the World Travel &Tourism Council (WTTC). The Safe Travels Stamp, the first global safety and hygiene stamp, was awarded to Belize in late December 2020 in recognition of the country’s enhanced health and safety protocols. The…

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EasyJet just got easier

A few months back, we published an article about some of Europe's low-cost airlines, such as EasyJet and Ryanair.  They offer some super deals to jet your way across the continent and are worth checking out. It was somewhat cumbersome to book them if you were outside of the EU.  But, now it's easy peasy…

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Airline food

Perhaps it's just us (I doubt it,) but we can't imagine travelers looking forward to airline food, especially in this day and age.  Packets of pretzels generally do not make us squeal with delight anymore. But, always posh and always positive British Airways have anticipated our needs before we did and are now offering their 20,000…

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Ahead of the curve

As of 26 March, 2021, there are two pieces of welcome news for British people looking to buy an overseas property or prepare a home for rental. From March 29th the ‘reasonable excuses to travel’ abroad allows journeys from the UK ‘in connection with the purchase, sale, letting or rental of a residential property’. This…

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A sixth sense, a weapon…

Like other artists, the actor is a kind of shaman. If the audience is lucky, we go with this emotional magician to other worlds and other versions of ourselves. Our enchantment or immersion into another world is not just theoretical, but sensory and emotional. How do actor and audience achieve this shared mysterious transportation? This…

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Whose cruise?

Travel is slowly peeping its head outside the door - and what do we see?  Cruises are on the horizon!  And Royal Caribbean has a pretty nice online brochure to whet your appetite. The brochure will make it easy to view all of their cruises to the Caribbean, Alaska or Europe. Featuring videos and ship…

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Blast resort

As of this writing, the dark Covid clouds are starting to disappear and people are dreaming about traveling again.  And, many are looking forward to all-inclusive resorts. While some travelers look at all-inclusive resorts as an exciting opportunity to let all their normal rules and restrictions go hang, others may find the bounty overwhelming, even…

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Starfish and coffee

Prince Rogers Nelson (Prince) was a pretty popular guy when he was still in the land of the living.  He passed away in April 2016 and still leaves quite a considerable legacy. So much so that his home, Paisley Park, an extraordinary estate and production complex in Chanhassen, MN is offering tours. Fans have the…

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