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For Women Only

The Isle of fire

We're talkin' about Nyoo Yawk, here, so listen up. Most people have heard about Long Island, New York.  Just a short train ride from Manhattan, it is a world unto itself.  It was once - and in many ways, still is - the essence of Bohemian.  But, the ocean-side mansions also are there, so that's…

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Equal rights, equal wrongs

Most of us live in social worlds that are profoundly unequal, where small elites have vastly more power and wealth than everyone else. Very few of the have-nots find this congenial. As experimental economists have shown, we tend to enter social situations prepared to take a chance and cooperate in collective activities. But if others…

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Bumbling forward into the unknown*

The 72 steps to the Philadelphia Museum of Art may well rank among the most famous stairways of the past century. Charged by a sweaty Sly Stallone in the 1976 hit Rocky, this majestic ascent has long inspired visitors to make the climb to the hilltop 1928 landmark, an assemblage of Greek-temple forms in golden-hued limestone. But…

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Someone actually cooks for you, for once

Cooking is a pleasure and a chore at the same time, especially if you're the designated chef - every night.  And that can get boring when you run out of ideas and steam. Well, our affiliate friends at EatWith have got some ideas for you.  And travel can be part of the menu. Eatwith is…

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Motor through Kotor

When you think of the Balkans, Montenegro doesn't often spring to mind for many people.  In fact, most would struggle to even identify it on a map. And that's a shame, as it has as many mind-blowing features as some of its cousins (Split, Belgrade, etc) and deserves your attention. One approach is to hire…

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The Mercadona mystery

If you've been to Spain (and if you haven't, get going!) you'll likely recognise the name Mercadona.  It is one of the country's largest grocery chains. As you probably know, many companies (like us, for example) assemble their names by concatenating one or more words together into something recognisable, but not a "real" word. Some have wondered…

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Tornados in Europe!

Even if you're a European whiz, sometimes you might want to retrace your steps to ensure that you've seen it all.  Or maybe you're just in a hurry.   So here's a plan for you.  Be a tornado. Experience three of Europe's iconic capitals in just ten days. If you only have a short stay in…

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Weave got the beat

This might be an odd question, but what do neurons prefer?  They do react to sounds, you know.  And sometimes they gravitate to certain kinds of stimuli. Some even respond to music, like we humans. Why are we talking about this?  Because these are questions that informed neuroscience specialists.  These scientists capture the "spikes" that…

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Yea, verily. Take thee food and drink at The King’s Jail

We jest . . . but only somewhat.  Is this a castle?  Perhaps not.  Is it a jail?  It once was. Now known as the Royal Crown Castle Bar and Grill, it's a rather nice pub in New Westminster on the outskirts of Vancouver, Canada.  With inspiring views over the Fraser River, a delightful staff, good…

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Do I have clearance to ask you out on a date?

WARNING - look away now if you are allergic to bad naughty humour. "After being deprived of two of my favorite activities — travel and sex — over the past year, one thing I’m looking forward to as both become more feasible is that inexplicable wave of horniness that reliably overcomes me when I’m on…

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Find the hidden restaurant

Are you "in" with The In Crowd?  Do you know every latest dance?  When you're in with The In Crowd, it's easy to find a hidden restaurant.*  New York is the place that never sleeps, is sometimes confusing and maybe a bit too artsy, and is certainly in with The In Crowd.  We love it.…

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Ground control to Major Mom

This article is somewhat of a bittersweet tome.  It's about love and separation, being missed and being loved.  Letting go and holding on tight. You see, Elon Musk's SpaceX team are in early conversations with a number of airlines with the aim to provide Starlink satellite internet network to provide travelers with inflight Wi-Fi.  Science…

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You’re worth it, and you know it

Who hasn't - at least once - dreamt of basking in the sun in Saint-Tropez?  Since the 50's, it has always represented the universal ideal in luxury, culture and aspirations. Well, for those in the mood and in the position to do so, you'll be thrilled that the Airelles Saint-Tropez, Château de la Messardière will…

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Rigi – don’t lose that number

Yodele hee hoo!  Now here is a wonderful, simple and unforgettable adventure for you - lovely Rigi mountain in Switzerland -  and its fabulous cog train. The residents of Rigi have not let their wonderful natural resource go to waste.  Above and beyond being a daily mode of transport (since 1871) for its residents, it…

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Air Transat. What’s that?

To those of us who live in Canada, there is a well-known name, but it might not be as well known to the rest of the world: Air Transat. Air Transat is Canada’s number one leisure airline. It flies to some 60 international destinations in more than 25 countries in the Americas and Europe, offers…

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Seasons change, and so will we

Home:  there is nothing better than coming home.  A place for everything, everything in its place.  A home, not a house.  There's no place like home.  To know the road ahead, ask those coming back. There are many platitudes that describe home, but the last one, above, is what we're talking about here.  Why is…

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The second most romantic hotel in the world

Second best is not usually where we see ourselves appearing.  We're winners, are we not, even in a small way?  We've got moxie!  Nothing's gonna keep us down.  Chin up.  Pip pip.  So here's a story that will bring a smile to your face. A small hotel in Guadalest has been voted the second most romantic…

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Niagara Falls, slowly I turned

Slowly I turned, step-by-step, inch-by-inch..... Niagara Falls: you can smell the glassy, bottle-green water thundering over the treacherous cliffs, roaring down to the gorge below, clouds of damp spray greeting you every step of the way. Hypnotized by the endless torrent of water that never stops, you can get lost in time gaping and -…

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