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Food and Drink

Food and Drink

Glee in the Sahara

There is almost nothing more exotic and romantic to staying in the desert. No matter where the desert might be, the mind conjures up images of windblown tents, camels, the elixir of tea. Realistically, most of us do not have the means nor the knowledge to embark on such an adventure.  But our travel affiliate…

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Expo, Expo – read all about it!

Every so often, the world has an Expo. Montreal in 1967, Milan in 2015,  while Kazakhstan held the most recent specialised Expo in 2017. Expo 2020 will be happening in Dubai, and tickets will go on sale worldwide starting July 18, 2021, with the event occurring from Oct. 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. As…

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Want to get high?

Actually - this is what we meant by getting high. (Photo: Alberto Pinto) With big success comes big responsibility - and big toys.  The Boeing 747 BBJ is the world’s largest private jet. With only a handful of examples in the world, it’s a rare bird. Even rarer is the Parisian design house Alberto Pinto-designed…

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The Candy Museum (Museo-del-Dulce)

Our first question, when we discovered this magical place was - how can candy stay around long enough even to end up in a museum?  That seems to go against human nature. But, sure enough, it did and it will make children and adults alike squeal with delight when they see what they're seeing .…

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I like my tortugas dry

The United States of America has its fingers in so many pies in the world.  And there are still remnants of the country's founding that give us a glimmer what it must have been like those hundreds of years ago, as the country was taking shape. One of those remnants that often is undersung is…

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Right, said Fred

We're happy to announce that Matouring is now an affiliate of Fred Olsen cruises. One of the things we like about Fred Olsen is the playful approach they have to cruises and touring.  They're a not the biggest name in the cruise industry, but being family-run, they can do things the way they want, and…

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Things could get Messi

Can you believe this?  On June 14, 2021, the Hard Rock venues turned 50 and that doesn’t happen every day. To mark this day, they want to share with you their new campaign. It is built on the principles that have guided Hard Rock since the beginning – providing a fresh approach and a call…

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Bay Watch 101

Alert:  don't expect to find David Hasselhoff, nor Pamela Anderson here.  But, who can say?  With the world's infatuation with South Korea, you never know.  Those who do (or have) visited really enjoy the sites, sounds and flavours of The Bay 101 in Haeundae.  Haeundae became a division of Busan Metropolitan City in 1976 and attained…

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Where women can relax

Let's celebrate the adventurous female travelers who are blazing a path of their own abroad and at home. While there's no question women need to be more cautious when on the road, there are plenty of countries that are accessible and extremely fun to explore alone. From a secluded wine region in Portugal to the…

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Sold out? Hold out . . .

There's nothing worse than booking something - anything - and then finding out that you've be bumped.  Especially when you've been counting on it, you're tired and it's late at night in a city that you don't know. Companies have codes of ethics, don't they?  The customer comes first, correct?  They have contingency plans for…

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Brescia refresher

Raise your hands, those of you who have visited Brescia, Italy. If you haven't, let us assist you in exploring this rich and varied place. Brescia is a city and comune in the region of Lombardy, Northern Italy. It is situated at the foot of the Alps, a few kilometers from the lakes Garda and Iseo. With a…

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Come and see a’ the hypogea

Ah, Roma.  No matter how many times you visit, something pulls you back again and again. The Italians are never shy in sharing their singular country and its thousands of splendors.  But, one sight-seeing treat has - mysteriously - always been off limits:  the "basement, or the hypogea of the Colosseum as it's correctly known.…

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Gimme Shelter Hall

For those who haven't visited Britain's city of Brighton, be sure to put it on your list. Arguably the second most groovy city it England (behind London, of course) Brighton harkens back not only to its Royal past, but it is also one of the most open and friendly cities on the planet.  Boasting a…

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Have you seen Medellín?

Medellín, Colombia (pronounced medi-jeen) is yet another eye-opening, mind-blowing, mind-opening world city that is recognised as a must-do adventure, but often bubbles under in people's minds. Why not surprise yourself and put it on your list?  There's loads to do in Colombia's lively Medellín, but to help you get started, our affiliate friends Tiqets have…

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Oscar de la Rental

We're excited to announce that we've become affiliated with The Leading Hotels of the World group, a marketing organization, representing more than 400 hotels in over 80 countries. And a key attribute is that they feature some of the most luxurious and exclusive properties around the world.  In addition to booking through our existing affiliates,…

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Could I interest you in a scam sandwich?

Some hotels offer rates that include breakfast. You need to figure out how likely to buy breakfast you are – and how much you’ll save. Sometimes the ‘breakfast included’ price is really just the room rate plus the cost of breakfast. And if you skip breakfast even one day, for instance you leave too early…

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The Isle of fire

We're talkin' about Nyoo Yawk, here, so listen up. Most people have heard about Long Island, New York.  Just a short train ride from Manhattan, it is a world unto itself.  It was once - and in many ways, still is - the essence of Bohemian.  But, the ocean-side mansions also are there, so that's…

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Mardin’s gardens

Mardin is a city in southeastern Turkey. The capital of Mardin Province, it is known for the Artuqid architecture of its old city, and for its strategic location on a rocky hill near the Tigris River that rises steeply over the flat plains. * OK, now that we have that somewhat dry description of the…

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