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20,000 rental campers. 24 countries. 4 continents. Go!

We love camping, and we love campervans even more, especially when they're the smart new models - good on petrol, good on space, good on the environment. We're also really happy to welcome our new affiliate friends, Their portfolio includes up to 20,000 rental vehicles that can be booked directly in 24 countries on…

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Why do you build it up, buttercup…

... just to tear it down, and mess it around?  The Italian city that destroys itself:  Here it was – the Catholic guilt. My fear of judgment, which had lain dormant for years since my schoolgirl days, now rose in my throat as I waited for the priest to exit the Church of Santo Gemine…

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True Xiqu

Every country and every peoples have stories to tell.  The Chinese have such a long and colourful history, it's only natural that their catalogue is perfect for relaying those stories via opera. The West Kowloon District in Hong Kong, has the Xiqu Centre which is dedicated to preservation of the art of traditional Cantonese opera,…

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Stiff upper quip

Some need that little extra push, or perhaps a bit of "what for."  If you know someone who would benefit from some sharp-as-a-tack, quick-as-a-whip, stiff upper lip education, there can be no better place than in London.  Home of stern educators such as Mary Poppins, Martin Chuzzlewit, Mr. Tomkinley, Melissa  Wackles . . . the…

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Welcome to giant pandas airways

China's long-anticipated Chengdu Tianfu International Airport has officially opened for business, providing travelers with a new option to the home of giant pandas. The first flight, via Sichuan Airlines, took off at 11:10 a.m. on Sunday, 27 June, 2021 headed for Beijing. Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, is now the third city in the country to…

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Glee in the Sahara

There is almost nothing more exotic and romantic to staying in the desert. No matter where the desert might be, the mind conjures up images of windblown tents, camels, the elixir of tea. Realistically, most of us do not have the means nor the knowledge to embark on such an adventure.  But our travel affiliate…

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Passports of power

In the past, have you been able to waltz through airport customs like you owned the place, simply based on your nationality? Well, it might be time to check your ego, because the world is becoming a very different place (for the better, in our opinion.) Now a new Henley Passport Index, the original ranking…

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Back to the future and back

If you're into technology, or even futuristic films, you will no doubt be longing for the day when we can all have flying cars (I guess to go along with our floating apartments.) There have been many attempts at this kind of tech, but they never seem to go anywhere, pun intended.  As you can…

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Shockwaves throughout Europe

INTERPOL.  EUROPOL. SURVEILLANCE.  EYE IN THE SKY.  In early May 2021, a Belgian farmer hit international news when he moved a stone out of the way of his tractor, and accidentally shifted the French-Belgian border 2.3m into France. Or did he? Is it actually possible to move a border just by moving a stone? And…

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The Darbhanga gang

For us, we're always happy to see countries, cities and even individuals find their place in the sun to shine.  And it happens more and more every day. We love India, and so we're pleased to see that the city of Darbhanga is now officially hosting flights to Kolkata and Hyderabad. And the airline who…

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Can you even pronounce this?

We periodically write about Wales, in the UK.  Most tourists think of England or Scotland as destinations in the UK, but you should really also give Wales a try if you haven't already. Why?  Well, first of all, the countryside itself is lush and untouched.  Wales has been able to avoid some of the creeping…

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It almost laughs at you

At the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains in northwest Azerbaijan, lies Parigala, one of the world’s most impressive archeological mysteries.  The Azerbaijani name, Pəriqala, literally means Fairy Castle Carved into the nearly vertical face of a rock cliff, the centuries-old structure remains a mystery that hardly anyone knows anything about. The site consists of a…

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Blow your top

Geysers. Hot springs. Wildlife. A few words probably come to mind when you think about Yellowstone National Park. But there’s one word that might come as a surprise: supervolcano. Because, if you didn’t know it already, the land that makes up Yellowstone National Park is actually one of the world’s largest active (yes, we said…

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Want to get high?

Actually - this is what we meant by getting high. (Photo: Alberto Pinto) With big success comes big responsibility - and big toys.  The Boeing 747 BBJ is the world’s largest private jet. With only a handful of examples in the world, it’s a rare bird. Even rarer is the Parisian design house Alberto Pinto-designed…

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Paintings on the ceilings

...and pink champagne on ice?  We are all just prisoners here . . . oh wait, wrong references. Being one of the oldest civilisations on Earth, Europeans have a lot to show for it.  Even beyond the splendors of Rome or Athens, there were generations and generations of forbearers who walked - and as it…

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Take the last train to Wales

This is astounding.  It almost defies belief, but the Chinese are behind it, so it could very well happen.  Their abilities are legend. China wants to build a $200 billion underwater train to the United States. The China-Russia-Canada-America line would be the most expensive megaproject in history and take years to complete. The biggest engineering…

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‘scuse me while I kiss the sky

Free as a bird.  The sky's the limit.  'Scuse me while I kiss the sky. It's a mackerel sky.  Reach for the sky.  Out of a clear blue sky.   Sky high. Sky dive. Lucy in the sky.  Sky rocket.  Vanilla sky.  Make a beeline for the treeline.  You can see the forest for the trees. …

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Picasso between the sheets

If this story doesn't describe the European zeitgeist, then very few will.  As you likely know, Pablo Picasso had an insatiable appetite for life.  And he painted a bit, too. But now, a canvas bequeathed to Greece by Pablo Picasso will return on display at the freshly updated Greek National Gallery in Athens after its…

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The Candy Museum (Museo-del-Dulce)

Our first question, when we discovered this magical place was - how can candy stay around long enough even to end up in a museum?  That seems to go against human nature. But, sure enough, it did and it will make children and adults alike squeal with delight when they see what they're seeing .…

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