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Driving through space

You're in the clouds! China has never shied away from big projects, and this is just one.  Visit Shimian County and drive this amazing feat of engineering yourself. Ganhaizi Bridge is located in Shimian County, Ya'an, Sichuan on the Ya (An) Lu (Gu) Expressway. It has a total length of 1811 meters, a bridge width of 24.5…

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Ninety days is not enough

If you like Europe (we sure do) you may often find that when you visit for a long time, even ninety days (the current limit) might not be enough.  There's just too much to do. Of course, you can maximise the rules by staying within the ninety day limit, take a rest for a short…

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Make an impact

With almost no exceptions, many of us are able to help others - and so many of us do.  And, there are so many ways to do it. One organisation that we here at Matouring like is Novica.  Ostensibly supported by The National Geographic, Novica started with a dream to create a better world for…

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Luxury for cheapskates

Do you cry when you look at the price of flights, and are forced to take the 2:00am option?  Do you find yourself with a black cloud over your head when you are compelled to stay at a 2-star hotel?  And is sitting on a park bench eating out of a bag enough to make…

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Red sea speed

Egypt’s High Speed Railway Project Takes-off As we often talk about here (until we're blue in the face,) rail travel is the future.  In a world of diminishing resources and rising populations, the solutions that modern rail travel can bring for us all are too good to ignore.  That's why we're happy to see governments…

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2000 islands

You'd better get busy . . . Where more than half the country is forest, saunas have a 4,000-year history, and the world’s largest choral festival happens every five years... Welcome to Estonia. Often underestimated as being a small Baltic country sandwiched between Scandinavia and Russia, Estonia is undoubtedly so much more than that. Read more…

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Twin Peaks

David Lynch may have been here, but we can't be sure. Many people visit the rather awesome Glacier National Park, but did you know that  Waterton Lakes is right across from Glacier National Park, and this is why you should visit: two for the price of one. Alberta is utterly stunning and the Canadian Rockies…

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Freedom, eh?

In the pursuit of freedom, mankind has created borders.  Okaay. But, in some places (such as San Marino, Monaco, Vatican City, Liechtenstein and Canada etc) there is a level of trust that the surrounding countries are friendly and non-threatening. Surprisingly / not surprisingly, Canada and the USA have an arm's length agreement about borders.  You…

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An old book smells like ancient Egypt

A book has got smell. A new book smells great. An old book smells even better. An old book smells like ancient Egypt.  Ray Bradbury But a new Egypt is even better, and it is getting better every day, indeed, especially when it comes to new architecture. Contemporary Egyptian architecture draws from a rich history.…

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Sleeping around Europe

Germany’s green party has proposed an ambitious network of night trains across Europe, which could connect the UK with destinations including Barcelona, Paris, Copenhagen and Stockholm. The proposed network would see some 40 sleeper services operating across the continent, with routes extending as far as Edinburgh, Glasgow and Birmingham as well as London. Read more here courtesy of…

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Cinque Terre choo choo

It will come as no surprise to anyone who frequents our site that we are HUGE proponents of rail travel, especially in countries where this mode of getting around is the norm.  Rail makes so much sense in so many ways. Climate change and the slow travel trend have rekindled people’s interest in train rides.…

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The South shall surprise again

To some, the southern United States can still be a mystery.  Home of some turbulence over the decades, but also a place of history, style and undeniable charm, It is a place you should visit at least once in your life. Our affiliate friends, the UK's Titan Travel, have just posted a new guided tour…

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All together now

Yay!  Common sense prevails in this day and age! The respective loyalty programs of our affiliate friends, Expedia, Vrbo, and other brands under the Expedia Group umbrella are to be unified into one service. The company says all brands and products will be in the program, covering flights, hotels, alternative accommodation, car rentals, cruises…

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Oooh la LA

Near the famed Los Angeles intersection of Hollywood and Vine, the highly anticipated Thompson Hollywood is now welcoming guests, as of August 2021, who enter through a greenery-laden walkway, the first sign that this new hotel is something special. Featuring a bar, terrace and views of city, Thompson Hollywood is located 701 m from Capitol Records…

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Two floors of party action!

So, British Airways are introducing a flight to Las Vegas on the newly-loved-again Airbus A380.  The Airbus A380 is a huge aircraft. 469 seats. That means two floors of non-stop party action.  To Las Vegas.  With alcohol.   What could possible go wrong?  🤣  Read more here courtesy of You've got to give BA some credit…

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During the Airlines Confidential podcast, former Spirit Airlines CEO Ben Baldanza told an interesting story about trying to figure out whether a new route would be profitable. In normal times airlines have great data – required and reported by the federal government.  But, some looked at telephone data and remittance data to get a sense…

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