I don't know about you, but we've grown a bit tired of tired action movies. Same old plot, same worn-out dialogue, same heroic clichés. Blecch. Life is too short. But, nonetheless, Hollywood keeps churning out the same drivel, and the crowds keep eating it up. One good example is…
If you're not too much into history, you might want to jump to any of our other 2000+ posts, but you may also want to stick with us here, because this is a wide-reaching discussion on how New York City blossomed into the behemoth that it is, and why - if you're the curious type…
There are precious few countries that celebrate the simple things in life as much as the Japanese. Joy is almost a mandate, and lucky are those who visit this delightful part of the world. Naturally, most of the focus is on Tokyo, and rightly so, but one of the best things in life…
The title of this post may need an introduction - sort of, one step further than beyond going round in circles. And, despite the rather tame and obscure title, it does pertain to travel. In aviation parlance, these kinds of triangles are known as triangle routes. Cunningly enough, they're called triangle routes because…
We don't know about you, but the excitement and buildup to a trip is always enervating and exciting. But then, you get on your plane, fly to your destination, hobble down the stairs and into the terminal and then . . . wherever you go, your holiday is reset by jet lag. …
Hardly! Mexico is a massive and bustling country, but to this day, it still has a "reputation" of being slow to move and not firing on all cylinders. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. We've been there and it is as action-packed, bustling and diverse as any place on the planet.…
Some of us live in cities that could probably be classed as a ghost town: Miriam Webster defines it as a "once-flourishing town wholly or nearly deserted usually as a result of the exhaustion of some natural resource." But, just as commonly, the source of its demise is the exhaustion of human resources.…
Apologies in advance for the mini-sermon here, but it always breaks our hearts when we see people unable to live their lives to the fullest due to geopolitical nonsense, as we are seeing now (this is December 2023.) Like a broken record, the same blindness and self-aggrandizement by a "select few" around the globe…
Airships. What goes around comes around. And how many times did the Jefferson Airplane change their name? Quite a few times. But, that clumsy introduction will now elegantly segue into the real meat and potatoes of this post; airships. Most people reel in horror when the "airship" word is mentioned,…
Some time back, we started posting videos from a UK content creator known as Wanderizm. Mostly based in greater London, Wanderizm takes what could be perceived as a mundane event - taking a city bus - and turns it into a relaxing adventure. And the videos are free. Now, that may not…
Feel free to sing to this post, as it's mystery, riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma meaning that no-one really knows. Here's a hint: The reflex is a lonely child, who's waiting by the park. The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark. And watching over lucky clover,…
As much as we love the UK, it does rain a lot. 800 mm to 1,400 mm per year, on average. We guess that this fact should be plainly obvious, especially since the UK is in the North Sea and surrounded by cold, cold water. But one benefit of this arrangement is…
Despite us living here in the Pacific Northwest of North America, and having traversed a lot of it, something new appeared to us yesterday about this vast region that was quite interesting. To preface this find, we should probably start out by explaining how much of this part of the earth is covered by…
Up until a few days ago, we'd never heard of Mount Bromo, let alone get a hankering to want to visit. After some clever investigation courtesy of your editor's clever better half, we started to look into. It's one of those places that you will need to make a concerted effort to visit,…
Ahh, la belle France. We can never get enough of it. And there is lots to get. As of 2022, the most desirable places to spend your holiday time in France are 1. Paris. 2. Nice. 3. Lyon 4. Bordeaux 5. Marseilles 6.Strasbourg 7. Lille and, finally…
Look up in the sky. How many jets or jet-trails do you see? Where we live, we're about 50 kilometers from our main airport. And, due to that relative proximity, dozens of airliners fly over our area each day. But did you know that, overall, there are about 100,000 aircraft…
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale a tale of a fateful trip, that started from this tropic port, aboard this tiny ship. Does that ring any bells, Cap'n? If you lived in North America or Canada in the 1960's you'll know that song - the theme from Gilligan's Island. …
..... it's an Ilyushin IL-96-300 from Madrid, touching down in Havana, Cuba. And the blogger here is rather pleased. It's less about the flight and more about the aircraft, the Ilyushin il-96-300. In some countries, the idea of Russian planes and the country of Cuba get sabers rattling and spittle splattering in all directions.…
Have you been to Iceland? We have and it was certainly one-of-a-kind in so many ways and a must-see if you've not been. It feels like a European Nordic country, but also feels somewhat isolated and disconnected to its European mainland cousins. Hard to describe, but certainly unforgettable. If you have been…
If you spend any time on our site, you'll know that we always look on the bright side of life. As humans, we never asked to be born, but - hey ho - here we are. Your editor (and family) have been fortunate enough to be born and live in some rather desirable…