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If you’re goin’ to San Francisco… sure to visit SFO.  The airport itself is a wonderland, especially since the team there have lovingly and carefully  been saving artefacts, toys and more.   And you can see them.  There are dozens of exhibitions happening at SFO. The San Francisco Airport Commission Aviation Library and Louis A. Turpen Aviation Museum provides unique opportunities…

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I’m Antman and I will be your server tonight

Disney Cruise Line is upping the “ant-e” on immersive family dining with the debut of “Avengers: Quantum Encounter” at Worlds of Marvel restaurant aboard the Disney Wish. Premiering in summer 2022, this all-new cinematic dining adventure will assemble some of Earth’s mightiest and tiniest— Super Heroes in a larger-than-life showcase of revolutionary quantum technology and…

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Muster, we must

The Covid pandemic is pushing for an evolution of the muster (safety) drill procedures on cruise ships. To avoid gatherings of large passenger groups in confined spaces and maintain social distancing, the cruise lines are now reinventing the traditional process, using technology and other innovations. Get ready for:  Royal Caribbean’s Muster 2.0 Read more courtesy…

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Go where the air is free

The Covid pandemic has wreaked havoc almost everywhere in the world . . . and has taught us some important lessons along the way.  What we once took for granted has the possibility of slipping through our fingers - such as travel. But, with destinations slowly blossoming again for tourism , and travelers tentatively making…

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Not for beginners

If you have trouble standing on a chair to clean the curtains, then look away now. There is a "stairway to heaven" made of steel cables and it is the highlight of a climbing tour of the Donnerkogel, in Austria's Salzkammergut resort area. The 43-meter long sky high ladder is stretched over an abyss some…

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Cruising Colombia

Politically, Colombia has its ups and downs, let's face it.  But, during the calm times, this country will make your jaw drop. Featuring geuninely kind people, stunning  mountains, overwhelming lush forests and unspoiled coasts, Colombia should be a must-see on your list. And now, Ama Waterways are making it easy for you with luxury cruises…

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To walk all night in Moscow

There are few cities that are as appealing (and to some, daunting) as Moscow.  It's history and "reputation" precede the city itself.  But it would be a big mistake to miss it.  Moscow is bound to be a special one. From the multicolored spires of St. Basil’s Cathedral to the sturdy red walls of the…

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20,000 rental campers. 24 countries. 4 continents. Go!

We love camping, and we love campervans even more, especially when they're the smart new models - good on petrol, good on space, good on the environment. We're also really happy to welcome our new affiliate friends, Their portfolio includes up to 20,000 rental vehicles that can be booked directly in 24 countries on…

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Why do you build it up, buttercup…

... just to tear it down, and mess it around?  The Italian city that destroys itself:  Here it was – the Catholic guilt. My fear of judgment, which had lain dormant for years since my schoolgirl days, now rose in my throat as I waited for the priest to exit the Church of Santo Gemine…

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True Xiqu

Every country and every peoples have stories to tell.  The Chinese have such a long and colourful history, it's only natural that their catalogue is perfect for relaying those stories via opera. The West Kowloon District in Hong Kong, has the Xiqu Centre which is dedicated to preservation of the art of traditional Cantonese opera,…

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Stiff upper quip

Some need that little extra push, or perhaps a bit of "what for."  If you know someone who would benefit from some sharp-as-a-tack, quick-as-a-whip, stiff upper lip education, there can be no better place than in London.  Home of stern educators such as Mary Poppins, Martin Chuzzlewit, Mr. Tomkinley, Melissa  Wackles . . . the…

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Lufthansa Bus lines

Well, not exactly, but we wonder if this will become a thing as airlines start to react to the climate situation. "Lufthansa is scrapping its shortest route, replacing the service with a bus. The route between Munich and Nuremberg is just 86 miles (138 km) as the crow flies. Lufthansa operates many domestic services across…

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That’s not all, folks

Covid, BE GONE! Who doesn't love Warner Bros entertainment?  Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Harry Potter? The Studio Tour is finally open again, and WB are excited to welcome you back. Get even closer to the entertainment you love in their new Storytelling Showcase highlighting nearly 100 years of Warner Bros. history. And, the new grand finale will…

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Welcome to giant pandas airways

China's long-anticipated Chengdu Tianfu International Airport has officially opened for business, providing travelers with a new option to the home of giant pandas. The first flight, via Sichuan Airlines, took off at 11:10 a.m. on Sunday, 27 June, 2021 headed for Beijing. Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, is now the third city in the country to…

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Oh, we go …Ouigo

Oh, we go Ouigo! As if European rail wasn't as appealing as it is now, they've made it even better. High-speed train travel between Spain's most beautiful cities has no more reason to cost the earth, with Rail Europe opening ticket sales for OUIGO, Spain's new affordable train network. Prices can be as low as…

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Glee in the Sahara

There is almost nothing more exotic and romantic to staying in the desert. No matter where the desert might be, the mind conjures up images of windblown tents, camels, the elixir of tea. Realistically, most of us do not have the means nor the knowledge to embark on such an adventure.  But our travel affiliate…

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Expo, Expo – read all about it!

Every so often, the world has an Expo. Montreal in 1967, Milan in 2015,  while Kazakhstan held the most recent specialised Expo in 2017. Expo 2020 will be happening in Dubai, and tickets will go on sale worldwide starting July 18, 2021, with the event occurring from Oct. 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. As…

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Passports of power

In the past, have you been able to waltz through airport customs like you owned the place, simply based on your nationality? Well, it might be time to check your ego, because the world is becoming a very different place (for the better, in our opinion.) Now a new Henley Passport Index, the original ranking…

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Back to the future and back

If you're into technology, or even futuristic films, you will no doubt be longing for the day when we can all have flying cars (I guess to go along with our floating apartments.) There have been many attempts at this kind of tech, but they never seem to go anywhere, pun intended.  As you can…

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